Fitness Friday #1
Happy Friday everyone! :)
Today's post is an introduction to a new series I'm starting here for fitness. This is going to be tracking my progress as I aim to become fitter and I am by no means asking for ye to do the same. This is a way of me keeping motivated to continue. I'm aiming to become fit and healthy by 2014, to improve my lifestyle and to also help while playing basketball.
I have downloaded a free 0-10K runner app on my phone, and I will be using this to also track my progress. I will start using this over the week end and my first proper update will be next Friday!
I would love for you guys to help me along this journey and tweet and comment some motivational quotes for me to keep pushing through as i know its going to be very difficult especially in this weather.. But I want you guys to help push me through when I really don't feel like doing it! :)
Keep watching this space for more updates on Fitness Friday.
Please don't forget to follow this blog and my twitter and tweet and comment some tips you have used when you were getting fit! :)
Cheerio.. x