YouTube? Yes or No?
Hey guys, if any of you follow my twitter you may know that a while ago I started discussing the possibility of me starting my own YouTube channel for the new year, so I thought I'd write a blog post explaining everything.
I've been getting a few questions recently about if i'm starting or when I'll be doing it, however, the possibility of me starting a channel has been delayed. I had hoped to be set up and even uploading at this stage but after my exams in University I realised that focusing on my grades is a bit more important to me this year. So there will be no videos until at least the end of May, of course I will continue to blog throughout the semester but running a blog and a YouTube channel would be way to time consuming for me this semester as I really need to get my head down when I go back to Uni at the end of the month.
I am hoping that, if my grades improve, during the summer I will be able to set up my channel and put a lot of effort into it as I will have a good bit of time off (If i don't have a full-time summer job) and I can create something of really good quality as I will not be rushing to record and edit videos while trying to keep on top of a fairly strict study routine and have some bit of a social life. By setting up during the summer it will also allow me to be know how long it will take me to record, edit and upload videos, so that when I go into my second year in Uni I will find it easier to manage everything because I know that once I start I wont be able to stop!
Thank you guys for all your support here and on my twitter!
Love ya,
Niamh x